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Dr. Lancaster offers organizational consulting based on data-driven ideas, culture climate, and leadership. Through discussion and an in-depth look at the client's company, Dr. Lancaster utilizes her organizational skills to create a shift in the current structure. She offers relevant solutions in an engaging, participatory atmosphere. Focusing on best practices for everyone involved.



And Workshops

Dr. Lancaster is available for workshops and keynote presentations on specific topics to focus on proven strategies. Through discussion and participation, educators learn the challenges of the topic being discussed as participants work together throughout the workshop to develop strategies they can bring back to the classroom to help the children they serve.



Coaching Program

In the Intensive Coaching Program, Dr. Lancaster incorporates professional development based on the input of the client, focusing on understanding the needs of the learner as well as developing practical tools and techniques that are used in the classroom to improve student achievement. Followed by time in the classroom with educators, Dr. Lancaster offers coaching and mentoring at its best to ensure that strategies are implemented wisely and well.

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