The Three Es
Dr. Lancaster offers an array of professional development workshops and promises that each one will feature the Three E’s.
Entertaining: You will not be bored! Dr. Lancaster’s talks are interesting and funny. Information is illustrated through years of experience in a most humorous way. Whether discussing budgets or balance and all strategies in between, Dr. Lancaster promises to be entertaining!
Engaging: Your voice matters! Each participant will be actively involved throughout the workshop. Small group discussion is key, allowing for the sharing of craft knowledge from colleagues. Coming together as a whole then gives each participant the opportunity to gain knowledge from others in the field.
Enlightening: You will leave enlightened! Dr. Lancaster works hard to ensure that each topic is relevant to the day-to-day experiences of educators, allowing each participant to gain knowledge that can be used in the schoolhouse immediately. Through the formulation of ideas and solutions, each participant leaves the professional development workshop with a plan for implementation in the educational setting.